Giving Positive Feedback
Hello, friends once again. This was the really important topic to discuss that is why I am back. Actually, I have started a chapter in my new learnings journey and it was an amazing experience overall. There was a lot of things that I have learned but the most important chapter was for me “Giving the Positive Feedback”.
The useful and important things we have learned from this academy are :
- 5 acts of kindness.
- Positive thinking.
- Pomodoro technique.
- Self-learning.
- Positive Feedback.
- Thanking Emails.
- Businesses Writing.
- Setting Life Goals.
- Knowing Yourself.
- Presentations.
- Own the Problems.
- Humility and Leadership.
First of all, what is feedback?
Feedback is an action or reaction to some task. Its a review of a book. Its an opinion, suggestion or advice to someone’s performance.
So I want to discuss Positive Feedback. People can criticize and judge easily but being positive and supportive is far more difficult for everyone. I always try to be positive as I am surrounded with people who criticize and spread negativity all the time. I was suffering so I thought I don’t do that. I usually do practice it. But when we did exercise on it professionally or on a higher level. I came to know It is very difficult for people like us. Who are in practice of gossiping, criticizing and judging.
So I committed to myself that I will never use negative words in my professional field and personal life. I will stay on a positive side. As I love being positive I enjoyed it and it gave me the inner peace and relaxation of doing good. We wrote emails and given feedback to our peers but in a positive way. We stayed positive as much as we can and that was an amazing experience.
On another hand, with this act of positivity, we can have great progress. We can change people. We can change their attitudes. We can change their perception. We can change their minds. When we are going to give them a positive response and motivation then there is a hope of betterment. People who are interested and wish for growing in their life needs it. Not everyone can give that to be the first to change.
When positivity is around, good people are around, guides are around, positive feedbackers are around it can change someone’s world. If we can change at least one person’s life then it will grow automatically. So please think about it and at least try it once in your life. It will give you success in every aspect of your life.